Looking for instant cash car wreckers? Or are you wondering if it’s a good idea to use an instant cash car wrecker to get rid of your old vehicles? It can be a difficult decision to take for those selling their cars for the first time. Allow us to help you decide.
In this article, we will take a look at the pros and cons of using a car wrecking service to give you an idea of whether you should do it or not.
Before we start, we offer instant cash for cars throughout the Auckland region. Whether you are in west Auckland or south we might have some cash for you.
Instant Cash Car Wreckers Pros
Instant cash, obviously
The best thing about calling in instant cash car wreckers for your old or junk vehicle is the fact that we will give you the value of it instantly. All we need to do is come over, examine the car, and then give you the cash.
Suppose you want to sell your car to a private buyer. You will first have to put the car up for sale on a website, wait for potential buyers to contact you, and let those potential buyers take it for a test drive.
If you finally find someone who wants to buy, you will have to deal with everything else. All of these can take a lot of time.
Don’t get me wrong but if you do have the time, by all means, go for private buyers. You will probably get more money for it, depending on your car’s condition.
However, car wreckers can turn those weeks of selling into minutes, literally. If you call in for car wreckers during lunchtime, they will come and examine your car and calculate the value. The cash will be in your hands before dinner.
So if you need instant cash, you have no other option but to get a car wrecker.
Beneficial for the environment
Did you know that you will be doing a favour to the environment by calling for car wreckers? This is because car wreckers will take the usable auto parts from your car. Then they will either sell it themselves or send it to auto recyclers, who will use the parts to make new cars.
In both cases, the production of automotive parts will significantly reduce. These production processes are harmful to the environment in many ways.
Moreover, if you leave your car in a landfill, the toxic chemicals/pollutants released by the cars will harm the soil. Thus the land will become infertile. That is just the simplified version of harm.
You will be happy to know that the recycling process used by auto recyclers is completely environmentally friendly. So you will be able to get rid of your junk car without causing any harm to the environment. On the other hand, you will also be benefiting the environment.

You will save money with instant cash car wreckers
Instant cash car wreckers are extremely cost-effective. You’re practically not having to spend a single penny in exchange for a car you bought with a huge amount of money. Instead, you’re getting a lot of money in exchange. How cool is that?
If you call for a towing service instead, you will have to pay them some money. If you sell to a private buyer, you might have to get some repair and paintwork done first to get more from selling. That will cost you some cash too. So this is the best option you have.
Furthermore, car wreckers usually sell the reusable parts they collect from wrecking vehicles. If you need parts for your car, you can buy them from them instead of a parts shop.
Car wreckers usually sell these parts at a much lower price than the shops. So you will be saving money here too.
The more you delay, the less you will get
The longer you let your junk car rot in the garage, the worse its condition will become. After a certain point, your car can get so damaged that no private buyer will show interest in buying it.
If you do end up choosing car wreckers, you will get less money from them and some parts that were previously okay are now damaged too.
That’s why being patient, in this case, is not cool. The sooner you get it removed, the more money you will get by selling it.
Only car wreckers will buy damaged cars from you and pay you instantly.
What are the cons of getting an instant cash car wrecker?
Let’s be honest there are benefits of not selling it to instant cash car wreckers as well.
You can get more money from private buyers
If your car is still in moderately good shape, just a little hard to run, then you can still sell it to private buyers. Compared to the amount you will get from car wreckers, the amount from private buyers might be more in this case.
Wreckers pay you based on the parts they can reuse; they don’t pay any attention to the condition of your car. But when it comes to private buyers, people are usually ready to spend large amounts for a fairly good car.
So then it won’t be wise to sell your car to wreckers. However, this is only applicable if your car is still in good shape. Buyers won’t be interested in a junk car; only wreckers would be.
Instant Cash Car Wreckers don’t care about the model
This is to add to the previous point. Wreckers won’t pay you more for a part just because the model of your car is very expensive.
They only care about the parts and metal and how valuable are. However, when it comes to buyers, they might be willing to pay more for a better model car.
I hope this article gives you an idea if using an instant cash car wrecker would be a good place for selling your car.
If you do decide to go with an instant cash car wrecker company, like Xpress Auto Parts. You can ask some questions to the company to confirm whether they’re a good fit or not.
It is clear from the above discussion that the pros easily outbalance the cons of instant cash car wreckers. And the cons can be avoided by being more careful with the decisions. There are no particularly serious disadvantages that you will get by selling your car to wreckers. In conclusion, using an instant cash car wrecker is a good idea.